The Mind-Body Connection: Is Your Brain Making You Sick? | Eckhart Tolle Explains

The Mind-Body Connection: Is Your Brain Making You Sick? | Eckhart Tolle Explains

Eckhart explores the relationship between awareness, acceptance, and health. He explains how our state of mind can greatly affect our physical and mental well-being and how the practice of being present in the moment, through awareness and acceptance, can lead to improved health. Eckhart shares how our thoughts and emotions can create stress and contribute to illness, and how embracing the present moment through mindfulness can help alleviate these negative effects.

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  1. This is the greatest tragedy of modern medicine. The physiological difference between mental states is as spectacular as it gets – even a child can see it

  2. Studying for my board certification in Holistic Nursing- taking my exam tomorrow. This confirms so much. Thank you!

  3. One of the best books I read was ‘The body keeps the score’ came highly recommended by therapists. It was a tremendous help with my emotional and spiritual growth ☺️

  4. We shouldn’t forget that not recognised physical ailments may cause mental problems as well. Actually, if a doctor cannot find any physical cause of a patient ‘s suffering, he gets tempted to aver that it’s all " in the mind", so that he doesn’t have to admit his own limitations. There’s an awful lot about the body that medicine doesn’t know anything about. It’s so difficult for a doctor to say: "It is clear that you’re ill, but I cannot find the causes." It makes him feel powerless, and incompetent.

  5. What eckhart is describing is a part of the mechanism that you are in. Do you suppose you create all the thoughts in your mind 🤔 or if you recognise that thoughts just appear in your mind at times and you have no idea where it came from. Neither does science. The question is, who? Is the author of these thoughts and narratives we have lived with all our lives. You might think that the organic jelly in the top of your head is clever enough to function without your consent, which is the author. That sounds like nonsense to me. Eckhart and all the enlightened souls on the planet know who? The actual author is. And I understand that you are not creating any content in the mind. It has been fed to you your whole life. Who? Is the author. Ramanamma, Who? The Book 1 (for all of humanity) This is a book that should and shouldn’t be judged by its cover. This is not just anytime in human history. This is "The time" in human history when we discover who we really are and what is coming next. God’s LAW to each and every one of you ❤️ 🙏 RW

  6. Great message as usual, but these new videos where there is no audience and Eckhart just stares straight into the camera are a bit strange for me. I turn the monitor off and just listen.

  7. Eckhart I’m extremely hung up on my ex who I feel is my true soulmate. I made some mistakes in the relationship and now we are taking space. I find my self suffering a lot and wanting to contact her. I don’t feel like I can move on with anyone else and I’m terrified of her finding a new love. How can I go on?

  8. Thank you so much! I didn’t know the difference between accepting the idea and accepting what arises. I thought I should embrace any idea about my life in my mind

  9. This is exactly what homeopathy does, find out the true cause and conflict and give an appropriate homeopathic medicine that removes the trauma and conflict by law of similia

  10. @5:48 The placebo effect is real and is studied, but it is the control. If a trial drug is as good or worse than the placebo, then the drug is NOT CONSIDERED TO WORK. That’s how rigourous the process is. The whole idea is that the body’s self-healing capability (from billions of years of molecular and cellular evolution) accounts for some of the healing and any intervention has to do better. So Tolle’s analysis is very off. The nocebo effect has been studied as well (a placebo said to make things worse which patients believe) and has also been shown to be true. These are powerful scientific demonstrations of mind over matter. If people had ignored the placebo effect, we wouldn’t have the nocebo effect and other studies into the mind-body connection. These have been harnessed by many researchers.

    It’s also been shown that even if you tell them it is a placebo, it works as well as not telling it is a placebo (i.e., SOMETIMES when they know it is placebo, it continues to work, so outwardly they are told it is just a sugar pill, but inwardly they may believe otherwise, i.e., at some deep level). There are lots of layers to this. But it is all biology and evolution.

    I would say the problem isn’t some ignorance of mind-body connection (though the mind aka the ego isn’t really "you") but really the for-profit medical industry. They just want to check the boxes and bill you.

  11. in 2018 after i lost sight in my left eye, i decided to go to the hospital. after 3 days the doctors diagnosed me with Multiple Sclerosis. I will never forget the words the doctor said to me that day. if you don’t take our medicines within 2 or 3 years you could die. Thank God I didn’t believe his words. I lived the darkest period of my life, until December 13, 2020, after a struggle between me and my thoughts, there was an expansion of my consciousness into the present moment. in the present moment I found refuge, and since then my physical problems have improved until they vanished. now I thank God and myself for what I experienced. without that experience I would not be the being I am now. Thank you Eckart, God bless you

  12. "Traditional" doktors are aware, but not necessarily adept at tackling problems of the mind. Most doctors prefer to stick to that which is in within their basic training – illnesses of the body. A difficult enough topic.
    Eckhart should should accept a similar limitation and stick to his topic and not dabble with medical problems. In this clip he is out of his depth and meddling in things he doesn’t fully understand – that can be dangerous.

  13. My dearst brother EkhartTolle I love you too much I love your calming voice I would like to meet you in person thanks for your help

  14. Dr. Gabor Mate’s book "The Myth of Normal" goes into detail about this as well, if anyone is interested in reading more about the mind/emotion/body connection and how disconnected the Western medical system (especially) is in recognizing this

  15. I respect and appreciate that when Eckhart discusses negative thought patterns he does so without judgement.

  16. I went to the hospital with AFib… the cardiac nurse believed me when I told her the tension in my chest was from CPTSD and not an electrical problem… the cardiac doctor refused to believe it. When I was meditating after coming home… “higher self” said “When you open your heart, you will open your circulation”.

  17. the news and our addiction to it (and the media’s knowledge of humans addiction to sensationalism and misery and continuously feeding that) are i think the leading cause of a lessening of mental health .

  18. Ubering made very unhealthy (no healthy food or time to eat, lack of sleep, sitting for hours) and now I am paying for that.

  19. ❤ thank you so much Eckhart ❤
    Message reached me at the perfect time now, thank you 🙏, thank you 🙏, thank you 🙏

  20. Much as I admire eckhart when he stays within the subject that he knows about – I wish he and other gurus would stay away from medical subjects. They go astray and their ill-informed ranting is dangerous. I have spent 40+ years as a MD and I take offence to much of what he says in this clip. "Traditional" doctors are fully aware of the connection between the mind and the body. Placebo and its implications have been known and applied for decades.
    Eckhart is out of line in this clip – this rambling is complete BS.

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