Low Carb Diets: Mortality and Diabetes Long Term Data

Low Carb Diets: Mortality and Diabetes Long Term Data

Roger Seheult, MD of MedCram interprets long term data regarding mortality and diabetes associations with various low-carb diets. See all Dr. Seheult’s videos at: https://www.medcram.com/?utm_source=Youtube&utm_medium=Video&utm_campaign=Video+Link+Clicks&utm_term=Low+Carb+Diets%3A+Mortality+and+Diabetes+Long+Term+Data&utm_content=GeL7_0FgsfQ

(This video was recorded on April 27th, 2023)

Roger Seheult, MD is the co-founder and lead professor at https://www.medcram.com/?utm_source=Youtube&utm_medium=Video&utm_campaign=Video+Link+Clicks&utm_term=Low+Carb+Diets%3A+Mortality+and+Diabetes+Long+Term+Data&utm_content=GeL7_0FgsfQ

He is Board Certified in Internal Medicine, Pulmonary Disease, Critical Care, and Sleep Medicine and an Associate Professor at the University of California, Riverside School of Medicine.


Low-Carbohydrate Diets and All-Cause Mortality: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Observational Studies (PLoS One) | https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3555979/

Low-Carbohydrate Diet Scores and Mortality Among Adults With Incident Type 2 Diabetes (ADA) | https://diabetesjournals.org/care/article-abstract/46/4/874/148449/Low-Carbohydrate-Diet-Scores-and-Mortality-Among

Fresh fruit consumption in relation to incident diabetes and diabetic vascular complications: A 7-y prospective study of 0.5 million Chinese adults (PLoS) | https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5388466/pdf/pmed.1002279.pdf

New Research: Sialic Acids May Contribute to Inflammation & Disease (MedCram) | https://youtu.be/xRkRilP1OTU

Association between Neu5Gc carbohydrate and serum antibodies against it provides the molecular link to cancer: French NutriNet-Santé study (BMC) | https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7510162/


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Video Produced by Kyle Allred





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#lowcarb #diabetes #mortality


  1. How can you talk of a type of LC diet without soda and candies? It can’t be LC with soda and candiles. If there’s soda and candies is not LC.

  2. Nothing he says makes sense, if he does not define what a low carb diet is in terms of carbohydrates ,protein and fat!

  3. Speaking from my experience, I started a low carb diet after getting T2D. After starting Keto my blood sugar dropped to normal, doc took me off both diabetes meds, my Afib stopped and I was taken off meds and my blood pressure dropped and I was taken off meds. Seems to me I’ve gotten much healthier on low carb than on a “normal” American diet.

    I’ve seen numerous videos from other well known doctors who have also provided studies that show the opposite of yours.
    Diet seems to be the most confusing subject on the planet.

  4. Definitely way more complex than represented here. I am in ketosis every day and yet i eat up to 70g of carbs per day and get more than the RDA for fiber daily. All whole food, all organic.

    I am lacto-ovo-vegetarian

    My a1c is 5.1, fasting insulin 2.9, alt 20, hsCRP 0.9, trig/hdl 1.1 trigs 76…

    I am in s/w riverside county if you want to enroll someone with tons of historical labs and that has strict adherence to the diet.

  5. I went on a whole food, plant based diet with whole grains. The result was a huge jump in abdominal obesity, (i got super fat,) constant hunger and triglycerides that quadrupled. Sorry, but my personal anecdote totally contradicts this study.

  6. Propaganda. Fat people have a higher mortality compared to the general population regardless of whether they go on a diet.

  7. This is too biased. Why was there not study without refined sugar + low carb ?
    How can you conclude that low carb + red meat while keeping refined sugars is bad for you when obviously sugar is the suspect here ?

  8. How many grams of CHO are in the various LCDs? Animal based LCD could be as low as zero, but since the Unhealthy LCD Animal + ↓WG variant would imply that the Animal based LCD must have a level greater than zero of CHO. A Veg based LCD would be very difficult be consume less than 100g/day CHO if strictly using vegetation to meet minimum daily protein needs, assuming daily protein needs were met. In Unhealthy Animal + ↓WG, were WG replaced, and if so, with what or just eliminated? Same with Healthy LCD. Last, were all versions of the LCD isocaloric?

  9. At about 18 minutes, you say that the confidence interval falling on the one means that statistically it actually made no difference.

    That is definitely not what it means at all.

    What it actually means is… you saying that means that you don’t understand basic statistics but in that respect you are not an outlier amongst medical doctors.

    To reiterate, that is definitely not what it means.

    “For example, if you’re testing whether a population mean equals 0 and is outside the Cl, you might reject the null hypothesis.”

    You are not testing whether a population mean equals zero. You are only testing whether you can REJECT the null hypothesis that a population mean is zero at some level of ‘significance’. If you fail to do so that is NOT evidence in favour of the null hypothesis. That is simply a failure to reject a null hypothesis at some level of statistical significance. This is a very important point. And something few seem to understand.

    It is understandable that many jump to the conclusion that failing to reject the null hypothesis is evidence for the null hypothesis that the mean is zero but is important to understand that it is not.

  10. I listened further and I totally agree with the last part, I am diabetic but my diabetes is starting to turn around from eating that way LCD and plant protein.Small amounts of seafood and meat. I don’t eat grains except sourdough bread.,once daily.Thanks for the info on fruit and grains.😊

  11. I was inspired by the story our President described on tv…so I went to New Guinea, joined the cannibal tribe there, and proceeded to begin a REAL " carnivore " diet, where all my ailments disappeared immediately upon the consumption of human flesh. The funny thing is that health benefits only came when eating Democrats !!😂

  12. Low carb diets have helped people lose weight and reverse type 2 diabetes, this isn’t rocket science.

  13. I’m not saying this particular study was funded by the processed food industry, because I don’t know, but many food and diet studies are. Keep that in mind. It’s difficult in this day and age to know what to eat for good health. There is so much biased information and spin. Common sense helps though. Eating whole foods, not processed foods is a good start.

  14. Maybe I’m misunderstanding. This comment isn’t fitting the exact context of the discussion. Male, 66 years old. I have eaten a carnivore diet for almost 1 year. I have lost 75 lbs. My A1C has fallen from 7.9 to 6.1. My fasting insulin is 8. My blood pressure is normal. I am off Jardiance, candesarten and omeprazole. Considering I have removed the top two risk factors for CVD, I see a LCD as a definite positive. Calorie counting, Weight Watchers and following a Registered Dieticians advice for weight loss did not work for me (or anyone I know). Further, hasn’t the dietary fat-CVD hypothesis been debunked?

  15. Not sure about LCD causing diabetes!! I’ve been on Keto for 4 years, now off all meds for diabetes, HbA1c 5.1%, Cardiac calcium score 0, Triglicerides 0.6, CRP 1. Hmmmm. I think I’ll stick to keto thanks!

  16. Any rational 76 yo male on a carnivore diet for six years would find these statistics disturbing. I have in the past been on every diet with little positive result so going carnivore was startling. I lost weight quickly, down 27kg, I was very seldom hungry, I never lost my sweet tooth but was able to control it, and I felt a lot better. I recently tried to introduce four vegetables: peas, beans, corn, and onions. I lost nothing in how I felt about myself, but gained 5kg in weight, again quickly. I have adopted a stricter carnivore regime, dropped the veg, and the added weight is coming off.
    Carnivores are become more common. I discover new ones regularly. They speak well of the diet and look healthy. I think that I can sometimes pick a female carnivore from her face, my hit rate is only about 50% but given the probabilities I still think that there is something in it. My theory is that white fat is reduced and brown fat is naturally more evenly spread. WIP. Anyway it is a good look.
    I accept that I may die earlier on this diet, but I am not tempted to accept the results that preceded it.

  17. From the comments under this video, I feel strongly as if people did not actually watch it fully or completely missed the point. I see people indicating one study, whereas several studies were covered. They also came to the conclusion the video was bashing low carb diets, it was not. It was saying that not all low carb diets are created equal for the prevention of certain kinds of diseases and a person’s mortality once they develop Type 2 diabetes.

    In fact, the conclusion I understood is that low carb diets based on plant-based proteins are good (in the context of the diseases mentioned) and if you eat carbs, you should probably eat fresh fruit. I am interpreting the very last part because our dear doctor discussed that particular study of Chinese participants towards the end of the video. It did not say that all low carb diets are terrible, just that ones based mainly on meat-based proteins open you up to stronger risk factors. If you do follow a meat-based low carb diet, you might get Type 2 diabetes, but you also might not. So if you are xx+ years old and somehow you feel great after y amount of time on a meat-based keto diet, great for you! Your experience does not invalidate the results of this study.

  18. 0:58 "Classic ketogenic diet which is four to one, four grams of fat to one gram of protein…" — I thought this was a total daily calorie ratio?

    With fat having 9 calories per gram and protein 4 calories per gram, for a daily 2,000 calorie allotment following a Keto macro breakdown tilting towards higher fat like 80% Fat, 15% Protein and 5% Carbs, in calories that would be 1600 Fat, 300 Protein and 100 Carb calories = 178 grams Fat, 75 grams Protein and 25 grams Carbs. That’s about a 2.4 ratio or 2.4 Fat grams to 1 Protein gram… Right? Is my math math-ing? 😉

  19. Never been able to lose weight, BLOOD SUGAR AND BLOOD PRESSURE CONTINUED TO CREEP UP UNTIL I WENT LOW-CARB. I do not know other people, but it worked for me. And from academia, I know a lot of studies were not well designeded, and could be very misleading, and the data anlysis could be flawed by using different statistics. So trust what works for you, not any professionals. Professionals are just there making suggestions, in the end , it is your own health.

  20. Its just not correct … this is misleading for people and very dangerous.

    This type of comparaison doesn’t make any sense. You are comparing 2 totaly different thing here.

    I you wan’t a viable comparaison, this is what you want to compare :

    – people on keto with chronic disease with low or no med (because this is what happend)


    -people with chronic disease in a diet high carb with very rough treatement like insuline, cortizone, anti inflammatory, monoclonal antibodies, ….

    No need to be genius to guess the outcome of this study

    And stil you wouldn’t have a good comparaison because a lot off people start to exercice once the pain is gone

  21. Lets see a regular carb diet comparison then we will see how insignificant these percentile changes are. 0.001% vs 0.002% is technically 50% increase but in grand scheme of things it is nothing compared to full carb diet. Long story short, just do low carb diet however you can. Do not eat crap like fast food and bread then you will be fine. These minuscule changes in comparison is really nothing compared to typical American diet’s damages.

  22. I noticed the last quintile "refined carbs" is actually probably the main culprit here. Ive heard MANY good outcomes of a low carb animal fat diet (carnivore diet) that excludes refined carbs and refined sugars. Sadly, that diet is not represented in this study.

  23. This is a very interesting concept. Having been on a serious keto diet for eight yrs now coming from a cal/med diet I have noticed many detrimental draw backs. However, after following you during covid I had noticed a change in your approach as if higher up powers had "gotten" to you. It makes anything you say seem skeptical.

  24. Personally, the take home for me from videos like this is: very low carb diets are a suitable treatment methodology for type 2 diabetics, (T2D’s), but not for people without type 2 diabetes. Applying the former’s methodology to people without the former’s pathology results in the latter’s acquisition of the former’s pathology. So-people without type 2 diabetes, using a very low carbohydrate diet, (VLCD), as a methodology for long-term weight management are also applying a methodology that fosters insulin resistance as an unintended consequence, and I suspect that this is through increased endogenous production of glucose, (gluconeogenesis)- which could be modulated by controlling the amounts of the other substrates that gluconeogenesis will use to create glucose-specifically proteins and/or a low dose administration of biguanide- in those individuals who insist on using VLCD’s over a low calorie approach to weight management.

  25. As a n=1 study, I am a 68 yr old man. 5 years ago I adopted a strict Keto dietary lifestyle. I lost 120 pounds in about 8 months and my labs became normal for someone 20 years younger than I am. I gained about 20 pounds over the COVID years but my labs remained unchanged. Now I eat mostly animal based diet with above the ground vegetables and occasional fruit. My body condition has remained steady. The results in MY n=1 study are conclusive indicating the extremely low carb diet based on animal proteins is 100% effective. To be clear, my A1C is 5.1 and fasting insulin is 11. Best of all, I feel great. Historically, our species diet has been animal proteins based. No way our systems have changed that much in this short of time (10,000 years).

  26. Speaking of confounders… The one problem overlooked in this video, and some of the highlighted studies for that matter, is that the majority of people who seek out low carb diets already have pre-existing conditions, such as obesity, metabolic disorders and such. There are some people who may have for example rheumatoid arthritis who are looking for cures. But overall most people that utilize the low carb approach are doing so because they already have issues with their health. So it would make sense that people who use low-carb diets might have higher all-cause mortality such as people who use hypodermic needles may have a higher incidence of drug addiction. That does not mean that hypodermic needles cause drug addiction, but there’s a background pre-existing condition at the very least, a propensity for such confounding data. Just my two cents. I could be wrong…

  27. 2:00 I’m already done watching, many have eaten two bananas and two candy bars, and the bananas raised the blood sugar higher… Enough said when you are diabetic, you are broken fruit, juice, or complex carbs it doesn’t matter

  28. This is very misleading video as the opening of this video talking about atkins or keto is (likely intentionally) misleading as it implies these studies have something to do with them. Most of these use the low-carb score or low-carb-high-protein score, both of which is really just breaking the population into groups based on % carb and giving a score based on which bin they are in. I looked a a few of the papers cited and in one the "lowest" bin had 35% of calories from carbs. I did not find any papers from the cited papers had carbs < 50g and none would be considered ketogenic. I understand dose-response curve but I interpret their results differently — if you are going to do carb+fat in those ranges , then reducing carbs and replacing with fat is a bad idea. This make sense since once you have enough carbs to have chronically high insulin that you story fat instead of burning it, its bad to had added fat.

  29. Low (zero) carb diet helped me reverse my diabetes
    and I’m sticking to it!
    I don’t need fiber since it’s non-essential
    And I eat saturated fats
    and I have a six pack for the first time ever.

  30. Studies are expensive in America, that money has to come from somewhere. Also, people are nutorious for underestimating, lying, and sinply misunderstanding and mistating what they are eating. Just watch TLC to see it in action lol

  31. I go for the classic ketogenic diet or the Atkins diet. I don’t think that fruits are good options. I have great results with classic keto or Atknis. Animal products and vegetables, and that’s it.

  32. This is not science. Epidemiological studies relay on, are based on reports of study subjects, not measurements. Waste of time watching this video. Why there is no name of an author of this video? Total bs…

  33. People love to hear good news about their bad habits. The meta-analysis studies, population studies, etc all indicate the same thing, but good luck getting people to do it because they simply don’t want to change.

  34. I don’t really understand the framing in this video. Low carb diets are being proposed as a treatment for reversing T2D/insulin resistance. Of course it doesn’t make sense to guzzle aspirin if you aren’t actually in pain, just like it doesn’t make sense to follow a LCD if you don’t have a metabolic issue caused by too many carbohydrates.

  35. it looks like comments section disagrees, I trust there personal evidence more than the so called experts who have continuously failed the public and are mostly funded by the food industry, your problem doc is you trust these so called experts, you admit yourself that these type of studies can be unreelable, but then read them out as if you are speaking fact, I know plenty of people on low carb who have reversed diabetes, now that is Fact!

  36. Interesting dose–response relationship where lowering carbs leads to increased rates of diabetes, until you reduce carbs to near zero and then like magic you put your diabetes into full and complete remission. At least that is my N of one personal experience.

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