Intermittent Fasting’s Darkest Secret

Intermittent Fasting’s Darkest Secret

Intermittent fasting means that you don’t eat for a period of time each day or week. With time-restricted intermittent eating, you don’t eat any food while fasting and only consume drinks with very few calories, such as water or black, unsweetened coffee and tea. During the periods when you do eat, try to follow a healthy diet rich in whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and lean protein.
What are the negative effects of fasting?
Find out in this video with Dr. Mike Hansen

Learn more here: 🤖

#intermittentfasting #timerestrictedeating #fasting


  1. Inttermittent fasting should be a short-term diet. I still need to intake the amount of micronutrients in the morning (from green smoothies). And I do exercise regularly. And I rarely eat processed food too.

  2. 💊 Chronic Diseases & Insulin Resistance: Chronic diseases (non-infectious, non-genetic) are often linked to insulin resistance, caused by eating processed foods high in sugar and low in fiber.

    💊 Insulin Resistance Impact: Leads to higher blood pressure, triglycerides, cholesterol, pre-diabetes, and type 2 diabetes due to overworked pancreas producing excessive insulin.

    💊 Processed Foods vs. Unprocessed Foods: Processed foods worsen insulin resistance. Unprocessed foods, rich in fiber, improve insulin sensitivity and help sustain satiety longer.

    💊 Caloric Restriction Drawbacks: While caloric restriction promotes processes like autophagy and mitochondrial production, it drastically lowers leptin levels, triggering hunger and reduced energy levels, making it unsustainable long-term.

    💊 Intermittent Fasting (IF) Advantages:
    – Restricts eating time instead of calories, avoiding extreme leptin drops.
    – Boosts metabolic processes, generates low levels of ketones (beneficial for weight loss, anti-aging, neurological health, etc.).
    – Reduces hunger hormone (ghrelin) levels over time, decreasing hunger signals.

    💊 Combining Strategies for Fat Loss:
    – Intermittent fasting.
    – Eating unprocessed, low-carb foods.
    – Exercising.
    – Combining these methods amplifies fat-burning results.

    💊 Ketogenic Diet & Fasting Similarities: Both promote ketone production, improving metabolic health. However, prolonged fasting or extreme ketone levels can lead to dangerous conditions like ketoacidosis.

    💊 Early Time-Restricted Feeding: Practical intermittent fasting approach—eating between noon and 8 PM while focusing on unprocessed foods for better insulin sensitivity and hunger hormone balance.

    💊 Carbohydrates & Starches:
    – Amylose (Good Starch): Slow digestion and glucose absorption, found in whole grains, legumes, and wild rice.
    – Amylopectin (Bad Starch): Quick digestion and glucose absorption, prevalent in white rice, pasta, and processed flours.

    💊 Added Sugar Recommendation: Consume no more than 25 grams of added sugar daily; less is better to reduce insulin resistance.

    💊 Sustainable Lifestyle for Fat Burning: Combining intermittent fasting, low-carb diets, unprocessed foods, and exercise offers the most effective and sustainable approach to health improvement and fat loss.

  3. Am 38, weigh 80kg, unprocessed food constitutes the bulk of my diet, exercising regularly and fast 16:8. I also don’t have any bread in the house…am doing it for longevity!

  4. Intermittent fasting on 24 hour intervals for many months now, it has changed my life, I’m more focused, aware, happier, better sleep schedule more energy…..this man works for the medical and pharmaceutical companies….food is profit, sick people equals more money….and consumerism helps the machine keep going, you’ll see more push back from these sharks a lot more as people start realising you don’t need to eat that much, it’s also good for spiritualism and discipline and finding out who you really are within. Another thing they don’t want you unlocking your true power and potential.

  5. I think maybe fasting isn’t good for everyone. My lactic acid tends to be high due to my condition. I’m finally down to normal at 1.5 and that took 2 years. Staying away from processed foods seems to be what makes me feel best.

  6. Mike Hansen MD lays it out in the 12:48 on weight loss….I wonder where he practices? Las Vegas? Or? Love his graphics. Is he too good to be true? There are so many hucksters out there. Mu first impression is Mike is the "Real Deal".

  7. What about if we are not doing IF for weight loss, but for reducing inflammation, especially arthritis? Does it actually help with that?

  8. I love intermittent fasting. I am 78. I have had diabetes since I was 60. I started fasting three and half months ago. I have lost 18 pounds and my A1c is down to 5.4. I haven’t felt this healthy in years.

  9. My doctor put me on the following diet: do not eat anything until after 11:00am, and don’t eat anything until after 7:00pm, and I’ve lost 50lbs! You can see the video results of this diet if you YouTube the following: "JBL SYNTHESIS CREATOR", this is when I weighed 250lbs. And if you YouTube: "howtohomelife", you will see eight recent videos, where I weigh 200lbs and I’m still losing weight. I was tired of carrying around four bowling balls! David Riddle

  10. If you going to practice fasting I do recommend you just do OMAD for 2 weeks and only after that plan your future diet. Cos before you start fasting your brain will overload you with questions and problems that it will kill you, will hurt you, no vitamins etc. Person can clearly see how is he going to fast only after 2 weeks of omad. before that is like talking with alcoholic or drug addict. so just 2 weeks, it wont kill you or damage your body, after that you will find all solutions you need by yourself

  11. The study you showed was not about intermittent fasting. Some of the studies involved included it (about 75%) but it specifically says it does not increase weight loss efficiency.

  12. Good side of I/F … u lose body fat , double chins, fat cheeks, fat on your back … neck and body , legs, bum, hips …
    Dark side …u feel every hard surface you sit on … that wooden chair, that bumpy bus ride … you can feel every pothole … falling on the hard wooden/concrete floor … even on grass … no fat to cushion u … I miss my chubby bum …

  13. IF is the best! I’m never hungry and eat only whole foods. No grains, seed oils and definitely nothing processed. No deli meats or salads either. Also, grass fed beef and dairy. Good eggs and chicken. I have lost 23 pounds in 6 months and feel FABULOUS. At 74 years old, this is a good thing! I highly recommend this nutritional program. I have learned so much about how the body works and getting results is so empowering. I have only a couple of pounds left to lose to reach my goal weight of 110 pounds. I am only 5 ft tall. Mostly my IF is 18/6. I want to try a 24 hour fast for autophagy. Please eat as healthily as you can. Organic everything. You deserve it, and your organs and whole body will love it. ❤

  14. Such BS. Ive been in IF for the last decade. We are not, not reducing calories. We are just eating later. Go away man.

  15. Growing up in the 60s and 70s meant you ate supper at 5 or 6 pm then didn’t eat again until breakfast at 6 or 7 am.
    Intermittent fasting was just called — normal.

  16. Intermittent fasting isn’t a dangerous idea by itself, but when taken to an extreme it can affect drops and spikes in insulin levels to a great degree. We also need to consider individuals and how likely they are to consume caffeine and other medications on an empty stomach. This is likely risky for long term hearth health. I am not advocating that people turn back to consuming breakfasts laden with butters, sugar and salt but maybe that they consider what balance looks like for their individual needs. Thanks again for the video!

  17. Beware skinny people like me. Eat when you can. Eat healthy. Eat often. I realize how much of my life my body has been driven into unintentional fasting simply bc I was too poor to eat. I realize my body is suffering and it’s effecting my mind I need to eat and revolve my life around my food. Food is going to to have to be my serious medicine. And I eat healthy!! I just need to eat.

  18. What about gallstones? I’m scared to try intermittent fasting because they say that it can cause gallstone?

  19. Have an auto immune disorder RA. Intermittent fasting is incredible beneficial. Keeps inflammation down and pain down.

  20. Good video but what on earth is the disracting background music for?
    It’s almost like a disease youtubers feel their videos not complete without music 🤔
    If you were giving a talk or seminar would you start playing music?
    So why here?
    I’m here for information not music

  21. To reduce insulin resistance is to reduce foods that have too much carb and sugar or the sweetener of any kind and junk foods. It does not mean that you need to stop eating at all. IF can be done for people who don’t need to lose weight like me but the only problem I have is to lose weight that I don’t want to and I have problems getting it back to my normal. My BMI before I started doing IF was 22.5 and now it’s about 19.5 and that’s my big concern. Of course how many people have the same problem like I do. Not many. You can probably count it with one hand or two.

  22. My doctor recommended this to me months ago, and now im taking this journey because my blood pressure is high (appointment is booked for possible medication to help). I’m doing 18-hour fasts and getting at least 80LT of water and will do my best to get more.

    Today first fasting day I ate 2 eggs, 2 bread rolls, some protein yogurt, cucumber salad with picked onions, small amounts of cream cheese and mayo mixture and cilantro, and then I ate a nice piece of homeade tarimisu and less than a serving of ice cream. My homemade tarimisu had monk fruit sweetner for the filling.

    I plan on eating much better and more fruits/veggies.

  23. I did this and it turned out horrible. I ate 1 meal every 3 days for 9 months. While I lost the weight, I also programmed my body. If, when you start to eat regular, you will fail. This should only be done once a month every other month.If you do this regularily, your body will automatically assume this protocol. So switch it up. Unless you want to fail. Just like me.

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