Intermittent Fasting: Transformational Technique | Cynthia Thurlow | TEDxGreenville

Intermittent Fasting: Transformational Technique | Cynthia Thurlow | TEDxGreenville

NOTE FROM TED: Please do not look to this talk for medical advice and consult a medical professional before adopting an intermittent fasting regiment. This talk only represents the speaker’s views on fasting, diet, and health. TEDx events are independently organized by volunteers. The guidelines we give organizers are described in more detail here:

Two-thirds of women 40-59 years old are overweight and more than 1/2 are obese. Intermittent fasting can help women lose weight effectively. And can have profound impact on bio-physical profiles, but also improved self esteem and interpersonal relationships. It is easy to implement, it is inexpensive and flexible.

Cynthia is a Western medicine trained nurse practitioner and functional nutritionist who is passionate about female hormonal health. She believes that the inherent power of food and nutrition can be your greatest asset to your health and wellness journey. She works 1:1 with female clients and is the creator of Wholistic Blueprint a 6-week signature program for female hormonal health, she’s also the co-host of Everyday Wellness podcast and a recurring segment contributor on her local ABC affiliate in Washington, DC. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at


  1. As someone who has done IF for years and at times dipped out of it for short periods of time. I can tell you that for myself, I am way for more efficient, have way more energy, and am not ravenous when I do IF. It’s like night and day… there is no comparison.
    I would let people talk me out of it because when I’d explain to them it was 12:30pm and I hadn’t eaten any food yet that day, they’d accuse me of starving myself, etc.
    I don’t listen to them anymore, I know how I feel when I do IF versus when I don’t and I choose to feel my very best and feeling my very best is when I am practising intermittent fasting!

  2. I wish I had known this years ago. I’ve tried weight watchers which never worked for me. I did Optavia and it worked. I lost 20 lbs but when I stopped ordering the high priced food I gained it all back. I’ve been doing IF for about a month and have lost 10lbs. I love it. I do not even get hungry now before I open my eating window. Some days I fast longer. This is my new life style. Thank you for the information.

  3. How many times a day? Do you do it daily? Did you ease yourself into it? I’m trying to start it but sometimes I’m so hungry in the morning. 😅

  4. As much as eating less and exercising a lot, how often and how much you eat is important.

    Intermittent fasting helps diet. It lowers insulin levels.

    It’s good to eat nature food.

  5. I’m battling Cystic Fibrosis and intermittent fasting (16/8) seems to have reduced the chronic inflammation and the ringing that I’ve had in my ears for over two years has diminished! 😃🇨🇦

  6. I have my last meal at around 5 pm and than don’t eat until lunch time the next day and feeling great 👍👍

  7. I am not very shocked after this,but bollywood should learn some lesson from this,who criticize varth means fasting

  8. No alcohol?? You’re killing me!! Now it’s no weed, no drugs, no booze. What am I going to do with myself!!! 😂

  9. Getting kind of annoying listening to this term “intermittent fasting” 😂 There’s no magic to this all you’re doing is keeping your body in a caloric deficit. This is what makes people lose weight. You can eat whatever you want obviously being a little dramatic but if I wanted to eat one meal a day and it was a double cheeseburger with no fries at 4:30 PM and then just drink water the rest of the day. I’m still going to be in a caloric deficit.

  10. My Doc is awesome, he recommended IF and Keto, guided me through it and after I lost a 105lbs he helped me put together a plan after I came off keto, after a year off I’ve kept the weight off, eat a little more liberal, and still IF. I wish every Doctor was as awesome as mine.

  11. I started doing the interment fasting a few months ago…I am 77 years old and weigh 155lbs…I fasted for about three weeks and lost a lot of weight, but I found that being my age, it was making me look thin and older in my face…I started so that I would not put on weight, as I have neuropathy in both feet and cannot do walking , or the gym any longer, so recently I have being doing it three or four days a week. I would like to know, why it is NOT recommended for people over 70 and what the side effects, or dangers it will pose to my health. Thank you.

  12. Came back to this video ! Intermittent fasting changed my entire life . I don’t eat for 17 hours minimum . The body is resilient . Fasting is life literally

  13. Add meditation into it as well. Im an atheist but i appreciate the benefits of it and helped me greatly . Fasting for 24 to 36 hours depending how busy i am i might make it longer but not 48 hours and a 5 hour feeding window 6 days a week and only one day eating normally and 1 hour daily meditation somedays i break it up but it has calmed my anxiety and stress . I wish i wluldve done this years ago instead of suffering and spending so much on supplements for the gut and any my anxiety

  14. Trump blocks the sun. Dr Lee clears the way for its to meet us all at the Earths surface. Thank you Dr Lee for everything you do.

  15. What if I told you that nobody has time for you to tell us what you plan to tell us? Introductory paragraphs are outdated.

  16. IF fasting is really good and effective..
    I had gained weight due to my first baby
    But after doing this diet
    I have shed alotttt of weight in just 2 months and now I can fit in my small size clothes just the way i used to before my first baby
    Its the best feeling having your own body back
    Slim and trim

  17. How many times a day? Do you do it daily? Did you ease yourself into it? I’m trying to start it but sometimes I’m so hungry in the morning. 😅

  18. “ IF “ is one of the best gift I gave to my body in my life time. Your speech and contents are very clear, to the point and most of all educational. Thanks a lot.

  19. I must be missing something. Not everyone snacks all day. Goodness, I don’t know any health care provider that tells their patients to eat and snack all day 😄.

  20. breakfast, IE breaking your fast IS the most important meal of the day. for me its dinner because that is the only time I eat.

  21. The presenters cadence, pronunciation and stumbling over words is sooo detracting from what is trying to be said

  22. I believe in health discourses given by 70 years old (or above). These younger youtubers are popular because of their oratory skills. They may be gone by the time you realise that all they spoke was rubbish. 🤭

  23. E se eu te disser que estão perdendo peso e músculos?! E que os níveis de cortisol estão no máximo. Stress metolabolico

  24. I was amazed how quickly intermitanr fasting compleatly removed my sugar addiction and overeating urges. Working to balance your hunger hormones rarther that tryingbto uses willpower to ignore them not only works much better but is far less stressful

  25. Im shocked that she mentionned to avoid IF for diabetes, type 1 diabetic, yes absolutely, it could even be dangerous, but it is one of the best tools to fight type 2! , dr Jason Fungs speaks in good lenght about it in his books. She is right about everything elae

  26. Wonderful talk ~ Thank you ~ & I like your voice.. but had to stop watching & just listen as your constant moving about/ walking to & fro is really distracting / unsettling/ irritating 🙁

  27. So why have I been doing IF for over a year (no cheating, exercise as recommended, drink only water, eating what’s recommended WHEN it’s recommended: I don’t smoke or drink – oh, and I’m on NO medication) – and HAVEN’T LOST A RUDDY OUNCE of weight!! Explain that to me, Cynthia.

  28. Using IF is a good start, but if we are still living on sugars and complex carbs, there will still be poor results. Transitioning to living off of ketones is the other half of the puzzle. Weight is easily managed when you use both techniques together.

  29. I have had excellent results with intermittent fasting.
    I have reversed diabetes, hypertension and lost six stone.

  30. I just started my YouTube channel on fasting. I’ve been fasting since 2016. It has changed my life on all levels.

  31. My doctor put me on the following diet: do not eat anything until after 11:00am, and don’t eat anything until after 7:00pm, and I’ve lost 50lbs! You can see the video results of this diet if you YouTube the following: "JBL SYNTHESIS CREATOR", this is when I weighed 250lbs. And if you YouTube: "howtohomelife", you will see eight recent videos, where I weigh 200lbs and I’m still losing weight. I was tired of carrying around four bowling balls! David Riddle

  32. My mum eats between 10-5 and has lost soooooooo much weight her arms and legs are tiny, however her stomach after 4 kids is still there …

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