How to start your wellness journey | 6 tips on how to get started

How to start your wellness journey | 6 tips on how to get started

Hi my loves, I often get asked about how I got started on my fitness journey and what motivated me to put more energy into how my body feels so I wanted to share a little more with you! Everyone’s journey is unique to them and you shouldn’t compare someone else’s changes with yours. You know what makes you feel like your best self and focus on that.


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  1. Biggest takeaway: How to find people who have similar interests. The thought about making new friends always makes me feel kind of uncomfortable, but you gave me a lot of motivation. Thank you for being that open! Watching your Videos has become part of my routine🥰

  2. All your tools are useful, especially the journal routine. I will try to use these tools to make my daily routine better.

  3. Just finding this video as I’m (re)starting my wellness journey after a long bout of depression and love this as a practical reminder of what is easily in our wellness toolkit. I have to ask as a woman though – how do you stay consistent during the harsher weeks of your cycle?

  4. This video was exactly what I needed. I think my biggest takeaway was your acknowledgment of the ups and downs and inviting people into your life that will serve you because it’s so tough to go through. And also that nail color is incredible on you ❤

  5. Feeling sooooo identified with and inspired by everything you said!!! Started to look out for my mental health a couple years ago, and my new routine made me had to let go of some people and its so important to know that who you surround yourself with has SUCH a big impact in how you are feeling on a daily basis!!
    Thanks again for the inspiration😋

  6. I loved this video Sami thank you so much – always and forever inspiring. I love how you prioritise your top 3 practices it takes the pressure off too 😊 I mediate and journal just struggle to bring the movement in x.

  7. Thank you Sami! I just joined form and I have been going through all your videos and they make me so motivated!

  8. Biggest takeaway is the overall balance you portray surrounding wellness! I have followed your journey for so long and am so inspired by you! I will officially be getting a FORM membership for the start of the new year. Please follow my dental school journey as I work towards my dreams of becoming a dentist!! <3 @tooth.fairy.laur

  9. Such incredible points. I am going through this transition right now. I genuinely believe I started to have super hard health issues just so I could take a step back. It’s not about fixing yourself, it’s about creating a life that is nurting, healing, and genuinely fun, not superficially – ironically self-destructive – lifestyle that others lead you to believe is THE life. It’s all about balance to be honest. That’s where we all thrive and get to enjoy life at the same time. Thank you, Sami.

  10. Biggest takeaways for me is community and prioritising routine – walking and cooking came to mind as important for me and then visualisation xxx❤

  11. Biggest takaway- Being open to let this come in and out and form and fall and being open to the process. Thank you for this video!

  12. My biggest takeaway is to prioritize. Having an idea of what is most important or helps the most and making sure at least that gets done is something that feels attainable when the bigger picture can be so overwhelming.

  13. I’m new to your channel, and I love watching & hearing about your wellness journey.. I needed to hear that today.. I suffer from depression!

  14. Beautiful video. Biggest takeaway. "We have so much control over our mind; that we do not understand that we have"

  15. Listened to this a second time, because I wanted to take notes. The biggest take away from watching this both times is: put the noise in your head that is going to make you better! Love this! ♥

  16. Such a helpful video, some great advice. My biggest take is having a conversation with your body to figure out what it needs to feel good. So true, that connection isn’t there otherwise, I think that’s why diets fail ultimately

  17. Loved this video and was inspiring into my wellness journey …..could relate to what you said about surrounding yourself with like-minded people and friends!

  18. This was exactly what I needed to hear to prioritize my mental/physical health! Do you have a link to the journal you use? Thank you! 😊

  19. Thank you for mentioning how hard it is to find a therapist. I’ve been through several and it really is hard to find someone that clicks with you and get help you.

  20. Loved this!! You have helped me so much on my wellness journey and your tips will help me improve myself even more. Thank you!!!

  21. Inner thoughts are the most important. YES ❤️ your inner dialogue and how you are seeing yourself will actually set the tone. Is the door to manifesting your true desires 🪲

  22. My biggest take away is staying consistent with what i feed myself via videos like this. It always inspires me so and helps motivate and direct me to the right path for me.
    Im moving towards a new path in life starting january and I’m so excited for it. I think one of the best ways to have success in this new space and year is to start practicing these habits now so that when the new year comes along, that it’s so much easier.

  23. Thank you Sami. Another super helpful, motivating video. After having a baby your weekly schedule of workouts and journal have been incredible for me being a full time employee and stay at home mom, time is so limited – every tool has helped me get back to a path I feel proud of. just thank you for all that you do..

  24. Biggest takeaway: How to find people who have similar interests. I often feel that in order to connect with people that are currently in my life (I am a student at university) I would pretty much need to drop my daily routines, start staying out late and start going out drinking a lot more often. It can feel very isolating sometimes, feeling like you are on the outside. You gave me some motivation to try find more like minded people and maybe reaching out first is not as scary as it might seem. This was very inspiring, thank you!

  25. This content exemplifies in-depth analysis and insightful thought. A book with related material had a significant impact on my intellectual pursuits. "Your Body Your Temple" by Sophia Wintergreen

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