Cardio vs. strength training: What you need to know

Cardio vs. strength training: What you need to know

Cardio and strength training affect your body differently, and both are essential to your health and well being. Watch this video to learn how.

Learn more about strength training exercises you can do at home:

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  1. As a complete beginner with an unfit body, I will start with cardio exercises then when my body get used to working out I’ll start combining the two exercises in my routine. insha’Allah โค

  2. for me i do a month of strength( with rest days) then do cardio for 2 months( cycling, soccer) my body only likes this routine
    if i do both I’ve always got injured

  3. How can you strength trajn when you hqve oethopedic issues? I m thinking with knee, back, shoulder issues , i cant be rpinf ait ups, squats, push ups.or lifting weights…

  4. When i do strength 2 times a week can i do full body or do i need to do upper body and lower on different days

  5. does it just have to vigorous cardio? can it be walking? i usually try to walk 2 to 3 hours each day but iโ€™m starting to feel like thatโ€™s not enough cardio

    I’ve been searching for home workout routines that will not make me lose weight.
    Someone help me !!

  7. A few questions with this video, as a 13 year old i do Basketball and wish to do both, but i may end up burning to much fuel and not grow. Is this true and if so or if not can someone guide me to a video which explains growth and excise for the youth. Thank you ๐Ÿ˜€

  8. pro tip, living in a lemon car can help do both as you gotta walk or run everywhere for cardio and strength training from working on said car

  9. I never liked doing any form of sports for a long time. The reason was, because my cardio fitness level was really really low. At one point I discovered weight training and enjoyed it super much, that I actually build a decent amount of muscle, but still didnโ€™t have any form of cardio fitness. I thought that maybe itโ€™s just not for me. It took a while for me to understand, that I have to specifically train to get better at cardio, just as it is the case with strength training.
    My number one advice for starting as a complete beginner with cardio: Donโ€™t start with running!
    Running is great because you can do it anywhere and with no equipment. But itโ€™s arguably the hardest form of cardio, because itโ€™s difficult to control your speed and because hitting the ground every time, can be quite tiring for your muscles. If you can then rather start riding a bike at a high intensity a few times a week, so that you build up your fitness level and because it might even be more fun. If you start running after you did that, it will be ever so much easier.
    Now, Iโ€™ve been doing running, swimming and cycling for quite a while and I can absolutely confirm, that I notice it so much in my day to day life.

  10. At first i was doing strength training and no cardio. I was not losing much fat. Since i started doing cardio for 50 mins after my strength training session i am losing alot of fat. I am sure cardio is very important for burning alot of calories

  11. Cardio can target what is most important – you’re cardiovascular system! I’m skinny and weak but I out max the heart stress test at 64

  12. Don’t take advice, do what works best and is still a challenge! because wouldn’t it be such a boring world to live in if we were all the same

  13. My relatives almost everyone are obese..and many of them heading to 80 years and non has cancer.๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ heartattacks is relevant.. with obese not cancer..

  14. So weights doesnโ€™t improve lung and heart condition only cardio does? Is this why we find fit healthy muscular blokes drop dead

  15. Letโ€™s be honest. We are all here because it was the shortest video with a workout title we could pick from the search results.

  16. Iโ€™ll say do one or the other. Strength training is aim to get lean or bulk either cutting fat putting on muscle or just putting on mass. Cardio just weight loss including fat loss and muscle loss. So whatever your goal is pick one and stick with it. If you still want to do both do one more than the other.

  17. I mix cardio and strength.
    For morning i do morning cardio workout, then i go with my bike for 30m-1h
    Then at afternoon i do strength training. ( Cardio day)

  18. I do both (mostly strength training), but my question is which one to do first? Is it better to do cardio or strength training first? Or no difference?

  19. Well after getting my cholesterol and triglycerides results as quite high I started first doing cardio mainly 3-4 time a week 30-50 min. After few months the cholesterol and triglycerides got much better, still a bit high but significantly improved. After that test I ended up doing more weight training and hardly cardio. My last test triglycerides went up again. All the time I’ve been eating healthy, no alcohol, no sugars, etc.. I’m not overweight. I still went to dietician to check if I’m doing something wrong. So it’s definitely not because of my diet. Going back to more cardio again with a bit of weight training. Fingers crossed!

  20. The key is to not use working out as an indicator of weight loss, that’s what caloric deficit is for. Working out is for physiological benefits, which can help weight lost. Cardio improves cardiovascular system, strength training increases muscle and metabolism.

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