Beginner Weight Loss Workout – Easy Exercises At Home

Beginner Weight Loss Workout – Easy Exercises At Home

This beginner-friendly workout will help you lose weight and reduce fat at home. It works by doing cardio and strength bodyweight exercises that will accelerate your heart rate and metabolism level – which in turn will lead to a more intensive calorie burn.

The workout structure is specifically created for beginners and people who want to start working out at home.

So it’s not a difficult workout and I recommend you do it everyday of the week if you want to see good results!

And make sure you subscribe to the channel to receive regular video workouts: every Monday, Wednesday and Friday!

Good luck and leave me a comment below, after you finish the video workout. Tell me how you feel and if you’re a beginner!

Let’s do this!πŸ’ͺ❀️


  1. One week.
    One day done
    Second day Done
    3rd day Done
    4th day done
    5th day Done
    6th day done
    7th day done
    Second week
    1 day done
    2 day done
    3 day done
    4 day skip
    5 day done

  2. The first time I did this was yesterday!!! This is my second day and I’ve decided that I’ll start recording it now. My goal is to continue this workout for a month.
    Feel free to remind me to update!! πŸ™‚

    Day one: βœ…
    Day two: βœ…

  3. I really want to start with this I feel this exercise I can do .. right now I am 87 kg my age is 36 and I am 5.4 height…
    Hope this will help me reduce my weight

  4. ima start doing this workout, please remind me every time you see this comment so i can come back and do this

    Edited: im doing 2 sets of 15 for each workout
    Edited 2 im doing this and some other workouts as well like (3 different videos from this channel) I know its working because im exhausted and pushing myself to do this because giving up isn’t a option now that I started. (also drinking a lot of water and small portions of food)
    Day 1 completed Day 2 completed Day 3 completed Day 4 completed

  5. My weigh 178 pounds and today is my first day of working out. I’ll share my weight loss progress with you after 10 days.

  6. I’m doing an easy at home workout everyday, until my brother’s upcoming boxing match team SEYMOUR in February 22nd in Janesville Wisconsin

  7. Ive done this for about 2 weeks now (i had to skip a week inbetween due to period pains) and it has been working fantastically! Ive already lost a few kg (im ~60 – 70kg, 5’5.5) and losing weight for the sake of my hips as I’m disabled. Ive been drinking 2 – 4 bottles of squash or water daily and it helps πŸ™‚
    If I, someone disabled can do it, so can you!!!

  8. I appreciate how simple these exercises are. It’s nice to find something that doesn’t feel overwhelming.

  9. Tomorrow is my first day…… again I will comment on jan 21st…now im 19 years with 60 kgs….my target is to reach 45….and i decided to follow proper diet

  10. Hello everyone!
    Day one is done alhumdulillah
    I will tell you the results inshallah I will do it.😊

  11. day 1:βœ…103.5 pounds starting
    day 2:βœ… this workout is so fun and easy to do
    day 3: βœ…
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