10 Natural Remedies That Actually Work

10 Natural Remedies That Actually Work

I’ve come on this channel and debunked “natural remedies” and “at home treatments” for various health problems more times than I can even remember. Considering how critical I’ve been of these naturopathic treatments, you might be surprised to learn that while most of them a myths, there are a handful of natural treatments that you can actually use to treat some mild health conditions. Honey for a cough, melatonin for sleep, saline nasal sprays to clear your sinuses while you have a cold, sugar for hiccups, oatmeal to treat eczema, aloe vera for sunburns, prunes for constipation, calamine for itches and burns, probiotics, and even duct tape to fight warts. Of course, don’t get me started on soda for fighting an upset stomach! Have you tried any of these? Let me know down in the comments!

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-Doctor Mike Varshavski

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  1. Also peppermint oil for an upset stomach. A few drops on your tongue, and then nothing in your mouth for 5 to 10 minutes. Organic brands are better. Don’t know why, it just works!

  2. I have used duct tape to get rid of warts!! It was great and I haven’t had any warts since in over 10 years. I used to get warts every couple of years.

  3. Thank you Doc for the tips. I’ve been using honey for quite some time (pure one, not water with sugar =x) and naval wash definitely is a game changer (proper ingredients and correct instrument + technique) for those wo don’t, search about it and be happy with the benefits.

  4. A very nice and fun video thank you ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  5. I had to have all my teeth removed! In one shot! I bled out! I was coughing up blood clots the size of an orange ugh! I was rushed to the hospital with the clots happening and constant puking. The attending ER Doctor hooked me to IV which I insisted being sugar free !another shot to stop the vomiting Now to stop the bleeding he came in with a cup of wet tea bags to put in my mouth, I thought he was crazy ! But lo and behold it worked and in record time.

  6. Honey placed directly on to a burn and left for at least 15 mins will elevate the sensivity and heal quicker.

  7. 🩺When I first contacted *Dr. Kosun,* I was skeptical but desperate for a solution. His approach was unlike anything I’d experienced before.❤🎉

  8. Soda crystals …top remedy for sudden itching .. dating back since victorian times
    Gnat bites flea bites hives etc, and more! Wet a little of a crystal and apply,
    That itch immediately stops! 😊

  9. Two Things
    The banana 🍌 taped to a wall ( duct tape ) 3 years ago sold for $6.3M now .
    Duct tape works very well for plantars warts . I had one on both feet and saw a yt video promoting the use of duct tape to get rid of them . Cut a small square and cover the wart ( replace every day ) and in 6 weeks the wart will be gone , painless . The skin underneath will be pure and white like a babies skin . The video that I saw also recommended peeing on your foot which is pretty stupid and unnecessary . Anyway , the warts are gone and that was 10 years ago and they haven’t come back .

  10. I know ginger ale doesn’t have ginger in it but it still makes me feel better when I’m really nauseous. I switched to lemon ginger candies because drinking soda is not good for you but I will still probably drink it sometimes, more as a medicine and not a drink.

  11. Hiccups-blow out all the air in your lungs then hold your breath as long as you can till it’s painful and that almost always cures the hiccups and like you say I guess it calms the diaphragm whatever

  12. This video is incredibly helpful! The natural remedies discussed are simple and easy to try. I’ve tried a few of these methods myself and they definitely work. It’s great to learn about natural solutions without relying on medications. Thanks for sharing!

  13. So does that mean that when I drink ginger ale and my stomach does start feeling better that its just a kind of a placebo effect caused by my own ignorance? If that is the case then that means from now on it wont work for me anymore, right?

  14. 🩺When I first contacted *Dr. Kosun,* I was skeptical but desperate for a solution. His approach was unlike anything I’d experienced before.❤

  15. It’s Dr. Mike OK Dr. Mike have you heard this one if you haven’t looked it up research it did you know that black teabags help with not only getting rid of cold sores but help get rid of blisters too

  16. I want to thank🙏🙏🙏Dr Oseghale Sunday Herbal Home for all the wonderful things He did for me, He made my dream come true 14 days was really a shock never knew hsv1)2 could be cured thank you from the bottom of my Heart!

  17. Me watching this video… oh I need to irrigate my sinuses ( get up and do that..come back to keep watching) oh I’m kind of constipated ( stop video and go get some prunes return and watch video)… thanks Dr. Mike🎉🎉🎉🎉

  18. Careful: don’t just cut and apply aloe straight from the plant. You have to let the latex seep out first, which can take hours, because that stuff will cause irritation. Always rinse it before blending and using.

  19. A few direct gently rub on the infected eye stye with garlic is the ultimate remedy. It works on bee stings, too. Just make sure its freshly cut garlic and of course avoid the eyeball and tear duct.

  20. Beware of the duct tape remedy because leaving it on the skin too long especially for 6 days can result in a very itchy case of adhesive allergic dermatitis which can itch so badly that it will keep you awake at night! I know from personal experience! It was absolutely miserable!!!

  21. Say what you want, but I feel like (EU) Coca Cola regular (no other brand) does work for me when I have an upset stomach. It may ask be placebo, but it works for me, so I will continue to do so.

  22. Great info! If you’re going to talk about healing but talk about cutting plants, please mention putting cinnamon on the exposed plant’s cut so it, too, can heal. Plants need bandages too! Thank you!

  23. Wow, this is interesting! Has anyone tried any of these remedies? I’m especially curious about the herbal headache treatment!

  24. Wait doctor Mike can you respond to this, I tried to take melatonin supplements but I got severely sick and had nausea, vomiting, dizziness, and shakiness/weakness but I never knew why. Could I be allergic or sensitive to supplements for melatonin?

  25. I love the information that Dr Mike shares. I also like the fact that he makes it entertaining. The fact that hes easy on the eues helps a bit too. 😉

  26. So Coke has a very, very high dose of emmatrol in it. This is why coke can "help" with a stomach ache. But at that point, just take emmatrol.

  27. 1: honey
    2: melatonin supplements
    3: nasal saline spray
    4: sugar grain for hiccups (put the sugar grain on tongue and let it dissolve)
    5: oats for skin
    6: aloevera (lots benefits specially burns and sun burns)
    7: Prunes (laxative)
    8: calamine for minor skin irritation
    9: probiotics
    10: duct tape for warts
    11: tea bags or tea
    12: soda is NO NO because it’s extremely harmful equally for adults and children, take something natural for digestion

  28. You should try in movies now. Most of the people knows you all over the world Dr. ®️🅾️🪙💫〽️🍄🧮✨️♻️

  29. I wonder if the soda used in home remedies was meant to be soda water 🤔, used for diluting spirits.
    As far as I remember it certainly didn’t impress me as a child , put me off fizzy drinks for life 😂

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