The Power of the Brain-Body Connection | Mat Boulé | TEDxLaval
Moving, learning and thinking are highly interdependent functions that define the way we live. In recent years, posturology – physical therapy with the brain in mind – has been at the forefront of reprogramming the brain, allowing individuals to access the core of who they are, so they can be all that they are meant to be.
About Mat Boulé
Passionate about the human body and specialized in total postural reprogramming, Mat Boulé has one goal in mind: to rapidly improve the way the body functions. Osteopath, posturologist and educator, he leverages his high level of qualifications to help individuals, young and old, who experience joint, muscle and neurological pain, as well as balance disorders. His expertise in postural development among 0-5 year-olds has enabled him to make meaningful connections between posturology, learning, the brain, and the body. He has been studying cognitive neuroscience since 2001, with the aim of increasing attention span and memory.
This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at http://ted.com/tedx
I lost the sync.. it hurts
Okay so he doesnt teach you anything
Human body and thinking
I should’ve went through the comments wow
Online school is amazing ;(
wait so what’s the point
My brain will not be destroyed. My body will not be destroyed. My life will not be destroyed.
Now I Understand
Any books on that subject?
The bent woman and an emotionally stressed man both look Slavic.
This is incredible!
Habibi come to the art and science of Yoga. It’ll take care of it all.
Thanks for the video!
Boring video
genuine love also makes you stand up well.
4 months ago I start hearing people in my head speaking to me the first think I hear they say I put that woo on ur mind it shock me I ask why you do it they say I don’t like you and ever since then they just don’t stop harassing me I want them to stop so bad all I know when I go to the doctor they try to Baker act me and say I’m Schizophrenic I Trying to find out how it’s possible I promise I’m not crazy. The people that did this to me is responsible for people being schizophrenic and people are calling them crazy I hope some one can tell me and the poor people are being harrest. I move out my family house and stay on the road in hope of saving up to be better off. I know it’s in my sinus or inside my brain I think it’s incase in plastic so it doesn’t show up on CT scans. I would like to know how it works and help me out an end to this Electronic Harassment I’m going through. Please help me and other I ran in to in the community that’s going though the same thing but no one believes use or know how to help us please if you know something please speak up and put a end to this mind torcher That people in the community is going though there is a brake out in coral Springs with this technology. The million dollar question is why no one can find the cure to Schizophrenia please take these people seriously.
wszyko fajnie ale zabili przez ostatnie 15 ponad 1 miliard ludzi w tych testach .
Posture makes you healthier and think, move better.
Stress management
Basically repeating insights that Moshe Feldnkrais already developed to the fullest in the 50s…