1. It’s simple, calorie deficit. 10k steps a day. Eat anything you want, fats, sugars. But be in a calorie deficit.

  2. It’s much better to eat carbs from whole, minimally processed foods like rice and potatoes than processed and ultra-processed breads and snacks.

  3. I weigh 117LBS, IM 5,’2 in height

    I eat eggs ,CASHEWS and peanuts ,spinach ,oatmeal…I EAT APPLES, GRAPES AND TUNA SOMETIMES… that’s IT AND i FEEL FANTASTIC

  4. Yeah the "no fruit" bullshit triggers me. They won’t have a banana or an apple because of the "sugar" and calories and then they’ll get a protein or a granola bar out which most are 3/4x the cals of a most fruit. Do what works for you ig, but leave me and my apples alone bruh

  5. Potatoes are the most satiating food meaning they fill you up the quickest and keep you feeling full for the longest

  6. I was scared at first bc I’m tryna be healthy for dance but for lunch I was bouta eat my chicken and rice so I was like……

  7. The reason for obesity is not potatoes or peanuts. Trust me, guys. These foods are very nutritious and filling like she said. The issue is calorie dense food that doesn’t contain what your body needs. Don’t deprive yourself of healthy food ffs.

  8. An excellent message. Carbohydrates are the body’s primary source of fuel. NO food group should be completely cut from someone’s diet. It’s all about portion control . . . which means understanding what one serving is of any food item, and learning how many servings of that food group you should have in a day. The bottom line, when it comes to weight loss, you have to learn how to eat in a manner that resembles the way you can eat for the rest of your life.

  9. Wholefood diets are the way to go, I’ve lost fat and gained muscle and it hasn’t been hard to stay on the diet

  10. Just eat less than 2000 calories give or take a day and you’ll start losing weight. After that it doesn’t really matter what you eat as long as you’re getting your vitamins and stuff. I’m not a professional by all means and I’m definitely not skinny but I have been losing weight by doing this

  11. For some reason people complicate everything when it comes to diet. “Fruit can’t be healthy when it has so much sugar”. Yeah and it comes with dietary fibers and many variations of vitamins. Also one of the lowest calorie food types, your daily dose of calories in strawberries you would have to eat 8 kg of those.

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